Hello friends
We are SILK OFF ROAD Motorcycle Club
We are situated in Kazakhstan and we love motorcycles as desperately as you do. Also we are motorcycle tour operator in our region. Our region is huge territory spreads from deserts and valleys till snowing peaks which are 7000 m height. If you want to see the beauty of the immense Kazakhstany territory and feel the freedom of endless roads, we shall welcome you cordially.
Welcome to our site:
Almaty airport has flights arriving from Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt, etc. Information about the flights arriving to the Almaty Airport - http://www.almatyairport.kz
We wish you good luck, especially on the roads
SILK OFF ROAD Motorcycle Club
Moderator: ghulst
Himmrizio schreef:Hi Marat, thanks for the link.
Could you tell us much of the routes is tarmac/hard road; how much is gravel and how much is off road?
I thank you for your interest.
All tours is different. Middle: 20% gravel,30% off road and 50% hard road. It is possible to make 100 % off road, but it will be boring.