Jawel AD , maar als je op een forum je E mail adres plaatst , dan wordt mn mailbox overspoeld met spam mail , naar wat ik gehoord heb wordt het internet namelijk automatisch afgespeurt naar alles met een @ erin , dat meestal op een E mail adres duid . spambots gaan vervolgens (ongewenste) spam mail versturen .
dit heb ik even gekopieert van internet , ik neem aan dat iedereen hier wel wat engels kan lezen
What is a spambot?
A Spambot is a piece of software, a program that someone has written. Which language it was written in does not matter, but most are probably written in C for speed and portability reasons. A spambot should not be confused with regular robots, also known as spiders or web-crawlers.
A spambot starts out on a web page. It scans the page for two things: hyperlinks and email addresses. It stores the email addresses to use as targets for spam, and follows each hyperlink to a new page, starting the process all over. Spambots also usually do not follow the guidelines in the robots.txt file, like civilized robots are supposed to. Most spambots are a part of a larger program, allowing them to send out the spam to email addresses as it find them. Others merely store the email addresses for later use.
Spambots vary in their intelligence and sophistication, but even the smartest can be fairly easily fooled by the tricks on this site. The simplest spambot would simply find mailto links, and follow each hyperlink as it comes up, until it reaches a dead end. The smartest ones can recognize email addresses in many forms, recognize dead links, avoid certain types of email addresses (such as *.edu and *.gov) and track many pages at once.
o ja Ad ? wil je zo vriendelijk zijn om mijn e mail adres uit je bovenstaande posting te verwijderen? bijvoorbaat dank .