stel me maar even voor!

Moderators: ghulst, DR-Big,

Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

hallo mannen ik ben niels en wil een projectje beginnen op basis van een dr800!
nou ben ik benieuwd naar de inbouw maat van de achterbrug?en de as maat!
om deze te vervangen voor een ander type...
dan kan ik alvast een beetje onderdelen sprokkelen!

ps:zijn er nog specefieke dingen waar ik op moet letten met ankoop van diverse bouwjaren?en anders spit ik het forum wel even door er staat genoeg zo te zien :)
Berichten: 3279
Lid geworden op: di jun 24, 2008 23:36
Locatie: Eindhoven

welkom :)
gehad en verstoten;
-KX 250 Enduro

Onze nieuwe webwinkel! óók voor de brommerrijders! (camelbag's/O.R.S e.d) !
Berichten: 777
Lid geworden op: ma jan 29, 2007 21:41
Locatie: Botlek/Europoort

Ej .... de Nielson van xtremebikez?
Welkom hiero :mrgreen:
Berichten: 8372
Lid geworden op: do apr 06, 2006 11:32
Locatie: Bij Utreg


Zal het binnekort ff na meten, heb een gescheurde brug los liggen.. nu te lui :wink:
Suzuki DR 800 1997, KTM Adv 640 1997
Berichten: 1064
Lid geworden op: zo sep 16, 2007 17:08
Locatie: Bergen

welkom hier .....
een ander type?
wil je `m vervangen door eentje zonder link systeem oid?

greetz sander
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

mannen alvast bedankt voor het welkom!
@camokat: ja inderdaad de nielson van xtremebikz :wink:

wil dus van een dr 800 zon soort naked bike maken maar kan er weinig info over vinden en deze heeft een honda achterbrug!
maar welke is een raadsel dus dacht als ik alvast wat maten heb kan ik een beetje onderdelen sprokkelen!
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

Very similar bike built by one of Scandinavian guys on ADVRider DR Big tread. He used GSXR (old) swingarm and I think most of guys used GSXR or Bandit 1200 swingard (one off Bandit very difficult to adapt). Turned out GSXR swingarm is much less rigid than SR43 stock swingarm and he is changing it back.

I think best is to use either stock swingarm (you can make it longer) or some more hi-tech aluminium swingarm, but one on your photo brings no advantages over DR stock.

Apologies about English - my writing in Dutch is awful.

Here is photo of similar type of bike with stock swingarm.
You may easily brace it if you want more rigidity.
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

hello bluesman,my englishreading isnt that great so do you mean that the bike you post have a dr swinger in it or a older type gsx?

and do you mean that if i want a bandit swinger in the bike it kost me a lot of work?

thanks for the info and de pic.of the black bike :wink:
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

Your English better than my writing in Dutch :)

Correct, bike in the photo I posted have original DR800 swingarm.

Another guy converted his DR to similar bike like you have in your picture. He used GSXR swingarm. I think bike in your photo also have GSXR swingarm. And this swingarm is much worse than DR original. He says it is too flexible.

We with my friends measured Bandit swingarm and found, that because of different levers in progressive system, different axle and a bit different width it is lot of work to adapt it to DR. Then one of guys measured weight of aluminium Bandit swingarm (new model) and it turns out it weights not much different from DR original. So - there is no win in using it :(

Original SR43 swingarm is very rigid, this is why it is so bulky.

One more photo for you :wink: this is same GSXR swingarm I think.
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

the bike you post is the same as mine!first he was zilver and later green!
ik the story of the bike he says that it is a honda900 swinger but i dont no a type of 900 with that kind of swinger!

maybe i first try it with the org.swinger, i want a 5,5" wheel for like a 170/60 or 180/55 tire!

the flexebiletie is not a problem it has to be a fun bike! 8)
Berichten: 433
Lid geworden op: di aug 18, 2009 16:49
Locatie: Amsterdam

Loving the idea!!!

The frames are stock?
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

Yes, I know - I read all story :)

I have wheel 4.25 in my DR800 SR43 and it is practically maximum you can have in this bike. 160 tyre already needs sprocket to be moved out because chain will touch tyre :(

170 is totally out of question.

Swingarm on your bike - now I think recognize it looks. It looks like from CB900F 1981 model with "ears" for shock absorbers cut off. But it is a bit strange, because it seems to have progression lever on your bike and CB900F never had it. Hmmm...

Take a look ... C_0215.jpg#

looks similar, right?
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

Monstersmurf schreef:Loving the idea!!!

The frames are stock?
Black one have stock frame. Other I think rear part modified, correct?
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

some more for you guys :)

I think guy that built it lives in Finland or Sweden...can't remember
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

this is how I dealt with problem of 150 tyre sometimes touched by chain



Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

yeh i see wat you mean!
perhaps its smart to first have a good look at a dr!
the one post has a 190/50 tyre so i want to know howe that is posible hee has a ducati 900ss wheel!

first i have to sell the parts off my crasht bike,i am half way with the money for a dr800 :roll:

this was my old bike a crasht it 3 weeks a go and have had a lot of luck
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

oh :( bad luck! I love TLs. I have a bit similar second bike (also with some upgrades), but TLs more "race" kind...
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

this is after the crash :(

the bike hit the tree i get stopt at the pavement edge!
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

smart idee for the chain!
3 colegaas of my have vtrs sounds nice but iam a suzuki man zo thats why i stript the tlr
Berichten: 266
Lid geworden op: ma jul 21, 2008 16:46
Locatie: hoegaarden

most important that you are alive and will be able to ride again! I love bikes, but bikes are metal. People are important! :)

If I will be able to help you in any form to work on new project - you always welcome. I do not have that much, but some stuff I have - small lathe (draaibank), simple invertor welder and quite a lot of knowledge and passion to bike building :wink:
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

sounds good bluesman i rememeber it!
thanks for the info so far
Berichten: 433
Lid geworden op: di aug 18, 2009 16:49
Locatie: Amsterdam

What is your plan for a fork (voorvork)?
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

the frontfork i us is the tl fork, it is 100% oke!
with the 2 discs and the 6 pots :wink:
Berichten: 777
Lid geworden op: ma jan 29, 2007 21:41
Locatie: Botlek/Europoort

Hallo ... ar wi dutspiepol nauw alsoo raiting inglisj toe ietsjodder ? :lol: :lol:
Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di jul 20, 2010 23:14
Locatie: langedaik

ja je heb gelijk haha
Plaats reactie